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Monday, August 15, 2011

Astronaut Photographs Perseid Meteor... From Space

Seeing regular updates from the International Space Station (ISS) is a special joy of mine, especially since the shuttle fleet was retired last month. As poignantly noted by Irene in "Atlantis' Final Reentry Seen From Space," although the shuttle is gone, the U.S. presence on the ISS certainly is not.
So, in a stunning photograph taken by NASA astronaut Ron Garan through a space station window, a single Perseid meteor was captured as the piece of comet dust slammed into the Earth's atmosphere.
VIDEO: Look Up! The Perseids Are Here
"What a 'Shooting Star' looks like #FromSpace Taken yesterday during Perseids Meteor Shower..." Garan tweeted from his Twitter account on Sunday. Garan is approaching the end of his six-month stay aboard the orbital outpost after he was launched as part of the Expedition 27 crew in April.
Interestingly, Garan's meteor doesn't look much different from a meteor you would see from the ground, but there is a key difference: this meteor is falling away from the observer (Garan); whereas for us terrestrial folk, meteors fall toward us.
It must have been a magical sight; one that is likely often seen from orbit, but rarely captured in a photograph.
  • The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most dazzling astronomical events of the year.
  • The meteors originate from the dusty debris of Comet Swift-Tuttle.
  • Sadly, the bright full moon may obscure the fainter meteors from view.
A Perseid streaks over a Bedouin tent near Amman. A Perseid streaks over a Bedouin tent near Amman. Click to enlarge this image.

At a distance of around 8 billion kilometers (5 billion miles, or 54 AU -- a little beyond Pluto's orbit), an icy space rock silently hurtles toward the inner solar system steadily gaining speed.
This piece of space debris -- composed of primordial rock and ice -- measures no more than 26 kilometers (16 miles) in diameter, and as it plunges sunward, it will pass the orbits of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and even power through our neighborhood before being flung back into the depths of interplanetary space.
You'd think that's all we would see of Comet Swift-Tuttle until it returns in about 133 years time, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Every year we are reminded of its fleeting presence as the Earth intercepts the comet's orbit and sweeps up some of the fragments it left behind. Like a celestial vacuum cleaner, Earth collects everything in its path and treats us to one of the greatest shows the Universe has to offer: the Perseid meteor shower.
SEE ALSO: Sharing the Perseids with #Meteorwatch
Through the year, there are around 30 decent meteor showers and the Perseids are some of the finest meteor examples around mid-August every year.
As the countless pieces of dust slam into our atmosphere at over 100,000 kilometers per hour (17 miles per second!), they compress the air to such a degree that the gas heats up, generating light. We see this as the characteristic shooting star effect. The smaller pieces of dust will burn up high in the atmosphere and we call them "meteors." (Larger pieces of debris that survive the fiery plunge and hit the ground are called "meteorites" -- but these are rare and it is highly unlikely any Perseid will fall into this category.)
It's possible to see meteors any time of year, we call them "sporadic" and they are not associated with any shower. If you study the meteors from a particular shower though, you will see that they all come from one point in the sky. This point is known as the "radiant" and it's the location of the radiant that determines the name of the shower. In the case of the Perseids, the radiant lies in the constellation Perseus.
SLIDE SHOW: What Will the Constellations Look Like in 50,000 Years?
The Earth has already started to enter the fragments -- or "meteoroids" -- from the Swift-Tuttle stream, and Perseid meteors can be seen in our skies right now. Activity is picking up so it's worth going outside over the next few nights to see how many you can spot.
The peak of activity is predicted to be in the early hours of Saturday (Aug. 13), but unfortunately the light of the full moon will block many of the fainter meteors.
The best time to catch the Perseids is in the early hours after midnight when you will be on the "forward" facing side of the Earth's orbit. So, wrap up warm, find a dark spot away from lights, lie back on a comfy chair and gaze skyward.
As I found out while presenting the BBC's Stargazing LIVE, it's very easy to be looking in the wrong direction! But keep alert and you will hopefully get to witness what is, in my opinion, one of the greatest wonders of the Universe.

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