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Friday, July 15, 2011

Pentagon OKs 229 green-energy projects

WASHINGTON, July 15 (UPI) -- More than 10 gigawatts of proposed renewable energy programs in the United States were found to have little effect on military plans, the Pentagon said.
The Defense Department said it reviewed plans in 35 states and Puerto Rico to develop renewable energy programs. The projects entailed more than 6,000 wind turbines and 30 different solar projects.
The Pentagon said in its review of the 249 proposed projects, only 20 were found to have a direct affect on military missions. The others, most of which were wind projects planned for the west coast, were deemed "projects requiring further study" by the Defense Department.
The Defense Department in a statement said the approved projects would clear "the way for the future production of more than 10 gigawatts of renewable energy generation capacity."
U.S. President Barack Obama said he'd like to see renewable energy play a larger role in the national energy mix.
Construction started in June in California on 1,000-megawatt solar power project, which the U.S. Interior Department said was the largest in the world.

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