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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Waikiki Protestors Join Global 'Occupy' Movement

Protesters in Waikiki Saturday morning, held signs and shouted out against what they say is an injustice: the betrayal of American citizens by the U.S. government and the wealthy.“The 99 percent are basically everyone in the United States (who isn't) corporations who have taken over the government, who have taken over the banks,” said Nuuanu resident Craig Turner.The mass demonstration began at Ala Moana Beach Park, with many others joining the movement as it turned onto Kalakaua Avenue.
Organizers of Occupy Honolulu said they chose Waikiki to symbolize corporate greed in the islands.“Corporate control is creating a mass conflict of interest, which is not allowing us as a people to facilitate our human rights and the right that this country was founded on, that is equal opportunity,” said demonstrator Cole Likens.A Honolulu police officer told KITV, the group acted peacefully and orderly. Officers with the Civil Affairs unit wore new uniforms, aloha shirts and brimmed island-style hats. The approachable attire was for the upcoming Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which also drew fire from protesters.“People are ready to stand up and say that, 'We are not OK with this, and we want to change things and make a better country,'” said Megan Brooker, the facilitator of Occupy Honolulu.The march ended by a statue of Ghandi outside the Honolulu Zoo. Demonstrators said they the hope their message goes global, encouraging those who nearly gave up.“I've seen it going on for so many years and it’s just gotten to a point where it can't go on anymore,” said Turner.

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