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Thursday, July 28, 2011

New curfew for Chicago children under 12

The Chicago City Council today approved without debate an earlier curfew for children younger than 12.
Youngsters now will have to be inside by 8:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, they would have to be in by 9 p.m.“It brings a level of responsibility and accountability to our streets and in our homes,” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said. “This policy backs up parents.”

The mayor noted that other cities that have passed earlier curfews for younger children saw a 10 percent drop in the number of kids arrested.
The curfew for children from 12 to 16 years old would remain as it now is for all children: 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday

Last year, the Police Department issued 19,500 curfew citations, officials have said.
When police pick up a minor out after curfew, they try to take the child home but will bring the child into the station if a parent or guardian can't be found, officials said.
If police believe a child has violated a curfew, a parent or guardian can be cited for not exercising "sufficient control" of the minor. A citation requires a hearing, and a fine of up to $500 can be imposed.
Under another proposed change recommended by the committee, the curfew fine can be tripled if it's a third offense in a single year.
A hearing officer also could order the parent or guardian to perform community service instead of pay a fine.
Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy voiced their support for the new curfew times on Wednesday. Every time a teenager gets shot at night McCarthy said he inquires about curfew enforcement in that neighborhood.
“We have to focus our enforcement at the right places, at the right times for the right things,” McCarthy said. “I think I have to get tougher on my commanders to make sure that they’re doing curfews so that we prevent people from getting shot late at night.”

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