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Friday, July 15, 2011

Maui County: 'Obvious dangers' of blow hole

Visitors continue to gather around a Maui blow hole where a Northern California tourist fell to his apparent death.
County officials are urging caution when visiting the blow hole because of its "obvious danger."
David Potts of San Anselmo was seen dancing around the blow hole at Nakalele Point Saturday before a large wave pushed him into the 3-feet-wide hole. He has been missing since.
A statement issued Thursday says the county doesn't promote the area as a visitor site. Officials say they understand the location is privately owned, preventing the county from posting warning signs.
Family members vacationing with the 44-year-old Potts returned to California Thursday.

** Everyone in The Bancopious Family of Companies express their sincere feelings of sorrow for the family of this young man. and remind all of the visitors to Our Beautiful Islands to be so very careful around these blowholes, they are indeed beautiful but so dangerous. -  Steve -  Founder Bancopious LTD Worldwide

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